緊急放送 ベンジャミン・フルフォード暗殺未遂事件
1. 自分なりのやり方でリラックスした意識状態になります。
2. この瞑想の目的が、ベンジャミン・フルフォードを保護することであると表明します。
3. 紫の炎でベンジャミン・フルフォードと彼の関係者の肉体とすべてのエネルギー体を浄化し、すべての異常、黒魔術、闇の存在、光のためにならないあらゆるものを排除する様子を視覚化します。
4. ベンジャミン・フルフォードと彼の関係者の暗殺を企てている、すべての人物にANの白い火が降り注ぎ、あらゆるネガティブなものを取り除く様子を視覚化します。
5. ピンクのフラワーオブライフの球体がベンジャミン・フルフォードを包み込んで、強い癒しと守護をもたらし、すべての恐れと心配を取り除く様子を視覚化します。
---script 文字起こし----
Hello this is Benjamin Fulford speaking on February 19th, 2025
2025年2月19日 こんにちは、ベンジャミン・フルフォードです。
on February 21st uh that's two days from now, the Japanese West Tokyo police are coming to kill me and so I'm asking to help from military white hats around President Donald Trump Commander Chief Donald Trump.
let me explain the situation
the Japanese Police are not police they are enforcers for gangsters and there is plenty of evidence for this
when I went to them with evidence the Japanese government had murdered 500,000 of their own citizens in the past two years with vaccines
and this is form their own health and Welfare Ministry statics
I provided proof I gave, gave the names of people responsible, they refused to take action
So I've been trying to force a confrontation with them and I put my eye and the reason they're coming to, they're coming to my house, they're gonna take all the stuff out of my house and throw it onto the street because I haven't been paying rent this I put this is I gave trouble to my landload
but the idea was to try to bring things to a head because nothing gets done unless there's a deadline and
I don't trust the West Tokyo police for good reason
We'll start with the Australian agent Sasha Zanack was asked by the West Tokyo police to give false testimony that I was a drug dealer
In order to give to give them an excuse uh to put me in in jail he refused he later blew the whistle on the Fukushima attack saying it was a terrorist attack uh using a stolen nuclear weapon
and as a result he was forced into a mental hospital by the same west Tokyo police
and later he was thrown in front of a train and killed
they've also repeatedly tried to entrap me and arrest me and kill me
in the most recent example a few months ago a lady friend of mine was fraudulently falsely diagnosed with tuberculosis and then they pressured her to testify that I'd spend a lot of time with her and put me in a hospital uh and you know she she she refused but they've been trying very hard and the reason they're so desperate to kill me now is because they know that they are next Japan is probably the worst nest of deep state anywhere on earth
I'll give you an example first of all Japanese government is not Japanese
they are Korean subcontracting for the Kazarian Mafia
the recent example according to Richard Koshimizu of Japan Independence Party
Everybody who went to Princess Mako Komuro's wedding
this is the sister of the heir to the Japanese throne
everybody went to her wedding has supposedly commited suicide since the wedding and all had large insurance payments on them
So this is this is the kind of you know terrorism against the symbol of this country that's being carried out by these criminals and mass murder is just another example
another thing that's happened it is now that the bio labs have been shut down in the Ukraine they're opening them here in Japan and in Taiwan
That's why I need the military white hats to move in and go to the bank of Japan
the Prime Minister's office and NHK and its you know restore democracy in this country
now the bank of Japan as you know shown with documents is not Japanese
it's owned by Edmund the Rothschild bank
Barclays Bank is also by Rothschild and by the Vatican bank which is the Italian black nobility and what they're doing is they are laundering about $1 trillion a year ti foreign gangsters via the Tokyo stock market
when I say foreign gangsters I mean uh Black Rock State Street investigate you know people owned by the usual criminals like Larry Fink and David Rockfeller Jr
Alex Soros these kind of people they are the ones who are trying to have me killed using the West Tokyo police as their proxy and they've killed two of my int the past they killed two of my female companions
um one was you know poisoned with a cancer causing thing I you know EB engineered virus and I got this testimony uh from uh her because she was told by the people that they poison her and then they uh they also at the told the webmaster I use for my Japanese videos that they were gonna kill her next so so I have witnessed that they're threatening her
another girlfriend who was killed along with our 5 months child was Tomomi Matsuzaki okay so they kill people close to me in order to try to stop me from reporting the truth
this is the situation I am personally I've gone through a lot you know the personal trouble and people who work with me have also been killed this includes Neil keenan who was and Robert David Steele and Queen Elizabeth the second
so we really do need to finish this and I'm putting my life on the line try to make this happen but I need military help here in Tokyo now
the other thing is that there's a black budget in Japan that's again about it's about $2 trillion a year that's going that's not going through the parliament and this is also going to the same Kazarian Mafia so they're taking about $3 trillion a year out of Japan
if we can take that money away from these gangsters we can completely eliminate the US government's debt and restore you know this country to you know its role of its intended role as a economic powerhouse for the world
but that's not what's happening now right and you know the criminals here are trying everything they can to stay in power
they offered Trump a trillion dollar bribe uh to try to stay in power but these are not nice people and they are uh you know systemtically trying you know they're still just as in the United States
しかし、彼らはいい人間ではない。そして彼らは 組織的に アメリカでもそうだ。
if they filled daily products with poisons and trying to kill people's vaccines
they are Satanists it's a core group about 200
so I'm asking please military help
I'm just gonna check if there's anything else oh yeah another thins I wanna mention is that um
if the military helps me I will be able to reward them financially
believe it or note I invented the Wii game machine
let me explain the situation
when I was working for forest Magazine, I went to the Toshiba Corporation's laboratories and they showed me a chip they had that reacted to people's movements they didn't know what to do with it
they didn't know what how to monetize it then I went to Nintendo and I said these games where you just play with your thumbs that's kind of really hard and wouldn't it be great
if you had a game that reacted to your actions and I said to them there's way you can do that there's chip Toshiba that you can use and result was the we and they used to acknowledge on their homepage that I was me who invented it.
自分の行動に反応するゲームがあったら 、私は彼らに、東芝のチップを使えばそれができる方法があると言った。そして、その結果、私たちは、それを発明したのは私であることをホームページで認めてくれたんだ。
but when I asked them when I you know for some money they they limited everything but the point is they made more than $100 billion from that machine so if you help me overthrow the Japanese deep state we can get you could be rewarded with some of that Nintendo money
and also of course once the you know the bank of Japan is returned to the Japanese people I'm sure we can also get some sort of reward for that
so again I'm asking for military Protection for my personal self on the 21st because they're coming to my house literally to kill me and again
this is I know I provoked this because I was trying to make you know bring things to ahead because nothing comes unless there's a deadline and I know that it's I caused trouble to my landlord and but you know
and I'm gonna settle that that's not the issue here
this is the issue uh forcing a confrontation with the Japanese state and that's happening we've got a deadline now
I need help we need to uh move in and eliminate the fifth from this government and this will be a way to completely eliminate the cabal
they got them in the United States now under the Trump and they're being removed in Europe as we can see they're being removed in Ukraine as agreement with Russia and United States and in Saudi Arabia showed
so their last big two nests are Taiwan and Japan
especially Japan so please help me I need US troops to come and occupy the bank of Japan the um Prime Minister's office in the national broadcaster we can straighten this out and finish this revolution
thanks for listening