The Note of Rise of the dragons Taipei workshop written by Japanese Lightworker

Original (Japanese)


This document is based on handwritten notes of words that this writer was able to listen at the Rise of the dragons workshop held in in Taipei.

The following is an English translation of my Japanese notes during workshop.

Therefore, please read with the understanding that mishearing, writing errors, omissions, and omissions of content are common and may not be 100% accurate.

Please note that all images in the text have been added at the discretion of the author and are not intended by the speaker, Cobra.

Please note that we do not accept any questions regarding the contents of this document.



Welcome everyone to the Rise of the Dragon workshop.

Today I will be revealing some unpublished information about Dragon energies.

Before we do that, we will prepare the energy in the room.

We did Galactic Network Meditation at every conference and workshop.



False Vacuum Collapse

We are approaching Portal 2025. The situation is accelerating and the reason is that the whole universe is transforming on a sub-quantum level.

The Lurker is parasite in the universe.

The parasite is now present in the entire universe and detoxification is taking place.

The main battle field is on the surface of the planet, and it is a particularly intense place.

The detoxification process is taking place inside and around you.



Quantum metastable state


All matter is in a metastable state, not a stable state.

Change is occurring not only at the social level, but also at the sub-quantum level alone.

It is real evidence for what is happening.

Scientists expect metastable states to collapse and negative changes to occur, but they are not.

The change is occurring at the subquantum level, and finally the darkness will disappear.


The detoxification of the surface began a few weeks ago.

The Light forces are removing the Lurker from humanity on the surface.

Joe Biden's mental breakdown is part of this process.

The Light forces are testing how humanity will react.

The process of removing the Lurker has never been done before in the history of the entire universe and is an intense detox process.

The Light forces are also clearing not only at the energy level of the light grid (etheric, astral, mental, etc.), but also at the quantum and subquantum level.

This is one of New Atlantis projects by St. Germain.


The Lurker has little influence in interstellar space plasma, but they still have significant influence in the solar plasma range.

The Light forces are dealing with this using various tektites.

For example, Colombianite is a stone that comes from Sirius.

The Light forces are trying to eliminate the Lurker by using extra-dimensional wormholes to influence the plasma through quantum entanglement.

Meditating with each Tektite can help the Light forces that is eliminating the Lurker.


Tachyon products

A map of Taiwan is shown with many Cintamani stones buried there.

Thanks to this, many earthquakes, hurricanes (typhoons), and wars have been averted.

Cintamani stones and Colombianites come from Sirius.

Galactic Cintamani comes from the Galactic Central Sun, which is close to the Source.

Burying the Galactic Cintamani at the Goddess Equator will stabilize the etheric grid of the planet.

This stabilizes the tectonic plates of the planet.


Tachyon chambers are a technology to obtain tachyons on the surface of the planet that do not enter.

The Cabal uses HAARP and other methods to prevent tachyons from entering the earth's ionosphere.

The ionosphere is also a barrier layer that Extraterrestrial races cannot enter.

Tachyons were first created after the Big Bang.

Tachyons are a higher energy that harmonizes the human body.

There are two main types of tachyon chambers.

One is a healing chamber to harmonize the human body.

The other is a special chamber for tachyonizing matter.

After the explanation of the various tektites, the tachyonized dragon bracelet was introduced.

It is designed to anchor the dragon's energy and is available for both men and women and for men.


Question. and Answers:

What about doing a __________ meditation to eliminate the Lurker?

C: I strongly recommend it.

What is the Dragon energy? How does it work for liberating planet earth?

C: I will speak this afternoon.


Fall of the Lurker


(Note: Actually a picture of a galactic background with only the monster's mouth in the center of the picture)

The Lurker influences beyond the normal space-time continuum.

The only solution is to connect with Source.

Source directly intervenes in the universe to eliminate the Lurker.

Quantum entanglement is the interaction between the Lurker and the space-time continuum.

Quantum entanglement is very small, but that is where the Lurker has their influence.

The Lurker can affect quantum processes, all plasma, etheric, emotion (astral), and spirit (mental), and also attacks those that are dangerous to the Lurker.

The Lurker uses a limited amount of energy from subquantum space to influence, but the amount of energy is becoming less and less.

Whenever the lurker appears, the Source eliminates it.


While the Source created the elementary particles of light, the Lurker created the sub-quantum elementary particles. (e.g. the top in the Dark world on the right side of the diagram above)

The Lurker is losing power.

The Lurker is trying to take over the next cosmic cycle, but without success.
At the end of the current cosmic cycle, the source will eliminate the Lurker.

 The diagram of Council of Giants

Note: The Council of Giants is a diagram showing the positions of the 12 large galaxies surrounding our Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies:

The Milky Way Galaxy (Milky Way in the center of the figure above) emits Goddess energy, while its immediate neighbor, Andromeda (Andromeda in the center of the figure above), emits masculine energy.

These two galaxies in the center of the Council of Giants have a twin-soul relationship with each other.

All the surrounding galaxies are activating the Central Sun of the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies.

The activated Central Sun of the Milky Way Galaxy is raising the level of Goddess energy we send into our solar system.

The activated Central Sun of the Andromeda Galaxy is sending Divine Masculine Energy, Divine Heroic Energy to our solar system.


These energies will activate the Dragon energy on the surface of the planet in the next few days.

The period is from July 11, 2024 to July 21, 2024, the full moon.

Therefore, during this period, workshops will be held in Taipei and Malaysia, where the Dragon leylines run through.

During these approximately 10 days, the Dragon energy will be activated.

When the Dragon energy on the surface is activated, drastic changes will occur.

Energy adjustments will take place, affecting plate tectonics.

The polar shift process will be harmonized.

This period is very sensitive and will be the most powerful 10 days.

The activation of this period will determine the timeline from September to November 2024.


The Dynamics of Portal 2025


No one knows yet what 2025 will look like, but here are some guidelines.

There are two major factors.

The first is Pluto's entry into Aquarius.

Pluto has exposed all the darkness.

On May 1, 2023, there was an important disclosure.

In the United States, there was a whistleblower revelation exposing the relationship between the U.S. government and Extraterrestrials.

From January 20, 2024 to September 1, 2024, the Lurker will be ________ on a sub-quantum level.

The removing of the Lurker from the people is an intense process and at that time the planetary system may be exposed at the same time.


To remove inner darkness, let go of attachments and prepare for the future.

From September 1 to November 19, 2024, Pluto will return to Capricorn.

During this period, The Cabal plans to trigger a global world war.

Most wars have been prevented thanks to Lightworkers and Light forces.

November 2024 and beyond will be a critical period.


There will be a presidential election in the United States, but any plan of the Dark forces will not succeed.

The Dark forces of have made a crucial strategic mistake that will lead to their defeat.

The Light forces are playing a strategic 5-dimensional chess game and are on their way to a victory of the Light.


What happens to this timeline between September 1, 2024 and November 19, 2024 will be determined in approximately 10 days, from the current July 11-21, 2024.

After November 19, 2024, Pluto will stay in Aquarius for 20 years.

The Liberation of planet Earth, First Contact, Events, New Advanced Technology in New Atlantis, Galactic Confederation, etc.


Another factor is the renaissance, which is coming after 500 years.

Uranus enters Gemini, Neptune enters Aries, and Pluto enters Aquarius, making up the sextile.

This will bring a great awakening to humanity and lead to a renaissance.

It is special that Each of the three outer planets entering their respective constellations and emits a very important resonance.

Another diagram of Pluto and Neptune crossing is also shown, and the intersection is expected to bring about breakthrough.


The first intersection, in late September 2024, is expected to remove the Lurker from the people and allow them to connect strongly with the Source.

The second intersection, from December 2024 to January 2025, is expected to be the next breakthrough.

The Dark forces know the energy of 2025 and must be treated sensitively.


Today is July 13th, so we have about 8 days left to determine the timeline.

We are here in Taiwan this time to create the most positive timeline.

After 2025, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto will bring positive timelines.

This time it will be more amazing than 500 years ago because other cycles will also overlap.

First, the 26,000 years cycle asteroid Sedna enters Gemini.

Sedna is conjoined with the Pleiades, and a strong reactivation of the Pleiades is expected.

Breakthrough will also occur as Uranus enters Gemini.

In addition, when Haumea enters Scorpio, it will bring about a spiritual awakening of humanity and a new era of energy.

Martin Armstrong has outstanding skills in FX.

Meanwhile he is studying various cycles.

On September 2, 2024, Pluto returns to Capricorn.

This September 2 is the day World War II began (actually September 1).

Kabar plans to trigger World War III on this date.

Therefore, it is expected that a mass meditation will be planned during this period.


 In addition, there is the 50-year cycle of Sirius.

Sirius has three planets, the important ones being Sirius A and Sirius B.

The distance between Sirius A and Sirius B will reach its maximum in 2025.

At this time, the power of the Cintamani stone will also be at its maximum.



Question and Answers before lunch break:

A question was asked if there is an entrance to Agartha underground in Tokyo.



Galactic Superwave


The Galactic Central Sun beats every 26,000 years.

In May 1998, the Galactic Central Sun coincided with the new time frame of the flash.

Over the course of 26,000 years, the magnetic poles of the Milky Way galaxies become opposite.

In one galaxy, it took only a few years for the magnetic poles to reverse.

When the magnetic poles of galaxy flips, the interstellar plasma also changes.

It takes time in the physical plane, whereas in the etheric, astral, and other non-physical plane, it is instantaneous.

When the Galactic Central Sun sends a flash, there is an intense energy shock in the non-physical plane of the solar system.

All negative entities will not survive and disappear.

The 26,000 years cycle will be completed in 1998 and the 500 years cycle will be completed in 2025.


Solar Flare


Many species do not survive extinction events.

When the Galactic Central Sun is activated, the scalar field changes, affecting the magnetic field of the Sun.

This changes the plasma of the sun and triggers the sun to become a micronova.

When the sun becomes a micronova, it emits non-physical particles.

The emitted particles affect the scalar and magnetic fields of the Earth.

When the Earth's magnetic field is stable, the mantle and crust are attached at the Mohorovicic discontinuity.

However, when the Earth's magnetic field falls below a certain level, the pressure that held the mantle and crust together is removed, creating a huge tsunami on the surface.

Everything below 4,500 meters will be washed away.

Rescued humans will go to the Pleiades, but most are expected to head to Aldebaran.

Scientists expect the magnetic field of Earth to reach zero in 2037 or 2049.

The magnetic field of Earth is currently losing 25%, and the rate of loss is increasing by 1-2% per year.

When the magnetic field drops below 50%, the human brain is affected.

People affected by a reduced magnetic field can become aggressive or crazy.

Some companies are researching equipment to counteract this effect.


The solar storm in May of this year was X10 scale.

The Carrington event was X30.

The solar storm this May solar affected humans.

An example of increasing entropy is the U.S. debt.

To prolong the banking system, the Dark forces are attempting to artificially reset and introduce digital currency.

The Light forces are removing the darkness by one layer at a time.

It is a difficult task, but they are doing it without harming the surface.



The rise of Dragons

Dragon energy is an ancient archetype.

Its origins come from the positive draconian races.

It can be divided into three main categories.


First is the red giant star Antares.

It is believed to be the origin of the Red and Blue Dragons.

The Red Dragon is the protector of the physical plane.

The Blue Dragon is the protector of the spiritual plane.


Next is Aldebaran.

Aldebarans are a positive humanoid race led by positive Draco.

Aldebarans reincarnated in China and created many secret societies.

Especially during the Tang Dynasty.


Finally, the Thuban.

Also known as the Thuban Dragons.

Period of the Han Dynasty.


Positive masculine energy is being activated above and below surface now.

Sacred feminine energies bring Goddess energies to stabilize the earth in transition.

In contrast, the sacred masculine energy has the following characteristics:

The energy of breakthrough

The energy of physical action

The energy of the sacred hero

The energy of the Event

The energy of kundalini.

The Heroes take truth.

From July 11-22, dragon energy will be activated above and below surface in Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Indonesia.

The activation of dragon energy is going very well, although Dark forces are trying to disturb the process.


One aspect of the Dragon Energy activation is the creation of a new financial system.

Dark forces are trying to introduce a digital currency.

A story was told of a transition underway in France.

People will be paying for everything with their cell phones.

The digital generation loves TikTok.

To counter the introduction of digital currency, use cash.

Bitcoin is not anonymous because it is tracked by the NSA.

Dark forces are trying to control money by introducing digital currency.


Another aspect of the activation of dragon energy is rising the kundalini of humanity.

Until people say no, enough is enough, Dark Forces want to prompt nuclear war or turn conflicts like Israel/Gaza into a major world war.

It is hard to get there without being directly affected by it.

Anomalies will decrease and light will take hold.

Solar activity increases and the kundalini of humanity is rising.

Eleven days of dragon activation will rise the kundalini of turn no against Dark Forces.

This activation is not only in Asia, but also in secret societies around the world.


Question and Answers:

Blackrock is the code name of the toplet. Vanguard is also the code name. The Cabal often uses a codename.

When the banking system collapses, the effects ripple throughout the world.

When the event happens, the reset button is pressed.

The problem will be that people will go hungry for the three days of the shutdown.

The dragons introduce a new financial system.

It is based on Yamashita Gold.

During World War II, Japan took the gold in China, Indonesia, Malaysia, and all the dragons' territories.

General Yamashita did this under the direction of Emperor Hirohito.

Emperor Hirohito, on the other hand, was under the direction of the Green Dragon, that is a negative dragon.

When Japan was defeated in the war, Yamashita Gold was transferred to the Philippines by the U.S. Navy.

The gold was transferred to bunkers built by slave labor.

The people who built the bunkers were murdered.

The Cabal moved the gold to Switzerland, where they increased their assets through a trading program later.

The gold was moved into the basements of U.S. military bases and used to build underground bases around the world.

In 1996, an agreement was made between the negative factions of the U.S. military and the Dracos and other races.

This resulted in the Archon invasion.

In 2012, the Resistance Movement removed all that gold from the hands of the Cabal.

We are having a real fiat financial system on the surface on the planet with no gold backing,.

There is only tungsten gold.

Gold is currently hidden in safe locations, which are mainly underground in the Philippines (not under US military control)


[Solomon's Code].

Ancient King Solomon was connected to the positive Green Dragon and influenced the Islamic world and Sufis.

Through emeralds, King Solomon had a friendship with Queen Sheba of Ethiopia.

Those emeralds are called Solomon's treasure and will be the backbone of the positive new financial system.

While gold will be the physical backer of the new financial system, emeralds will be the spiritual backer of the new financial system.

Emerald is also known as the Holy Grail of Agartha, and positive dragon groups are waiting for the right time in Southeast Asia, Malaysia, Indonesia, and mainland China.

When we tried to distribute a ton of gold to humanity, it would be robbed by the Cabal.

To protect the energy, we did a Silver Trigger Meditation.

By meditating with silver in our hands, we established the energy of the new financial system.

This makes the transition period easier.

The emerald of Solomon's code is behind the new financial system and activates abundance.

Note: After this, Cobra told us about the special plans of Light Forces, and sought ideas for how to make those plans a reality without any interferences.

I have not written the plan because I thought it would be better if the Dark forces didn't know about our plans.

There are asteroids in space made of diamonds, gold and platinum.

The asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter alone has ample reserves.

When the new financial system begins, the diamonds and gold mentioned above will be found in abundance.

Emeralds, however, are found only on Earth.

Because emeralds require special conditions for their formation, they can only be found in special places such as Colombia.

In other words, emeralds are so rare that they will significantly change the Galactic economy.


Emerald Grotto Heavens

There are caves in the Dragon Leylines and mountain ranges of mainland China and in Bhutan.

Such caves have entrances to Agartha.

The green gold is activated as a green door with the codename of the entrance to Agartha.

The Agartha side is also energetically activating the green door.

Since May of this year, the Dragon Group has been activating the green door on the ground.

The green door is energetically activated from both sides.

The places where emeralds are found are the main entrances to Agartha.

(Colombia, Brazil, USA, Austria, Australia, Ethiopia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Russia, Mainland China)

Emerald Agartha Meditation will connect you with the people of Agartha.

The people of Agartha send messages and guide energetically.


Rise of the Dragons

A map was shown from East Asia to India, with China in the center.

The top left corner of the map is labeled “Geography of China.

Lines are drawn from the Kamchatka Peninsula through the Kuril Islands, the Japanese archipelago, Taiwan, the Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia to Papua New Guinea.

A line is also drawn on the main mountain range (Tian shan) in mainland China, and other lines are drawn in the Himalayas and in the mountain ranges of Central Asia.

The Tian Shan is related with the space program, and there is a portal in the Himalayas.

Light and darkness are fighting fiercely over these dragon ley lines.

Light forces are asking as many Cintamani and Galactic Cintamani stones to be safely planted in the dragon leylines.

You can purify Dragon leylines through meditation, such as violet flame.


Questions and Answers:

The Chinatown in the U.S. belongs to the Dragon Group.

The dragon energy will be activated by the dragon group during these 11 days.

Dragon energy will prepare humanity for rising of the Kundalini.

The Event is a form of dragon energy.

People in Agartha and Resistance Movement frequently use replicators.

Cabal is not allowed to use Med-beds.

Goddess energy is still quite necessary.

Goddess energy stabilizes transitions.

After the Paris Conference, as many as 20 Goddess temples were built, but more temples need to be built.

Goddess energy dissolves the matrix.

This is why Light Forces are promoting Goddess energy.


Don't give up.

We are now very close to the final moment we have been waiting for.


Put your daily life first. This activity should be third or fourth.

Often people forget that.

The Dragon family is with us.


Victory of the Light! Victory of the Light! Victory of the light!

Victory of the dragon! Victory of the dragon! Victory of the Dragon!

Victory! Victory! Victory! Victory!


End of Taipei workshop


Written by Japanese Lightworker


